I'm almost a nurse...
An awesomely scary and empowering thought.
The first year as an RN is tough. There is a lot to learn and many mistakes to make.
I am so extremely grateful for the opportunity to work at OSF and learn from the nurses there. My summer internship taught me more than I could ever learn in clinical. The next eight months of school are important to prepare me for the NCLEX. This summer, though, prepared me to be a
nurse. I still have a lot to learn but here are a few of the things that I learned this summer....
1. Make a plan... but be flexible
2. Plan ahead, work ahead
3. Chart at the bedside
4. Be nice to the oncoming shift... do them a favor and they'll be more likely to do one for you
5. What it looks/sounds like when an NG is in the lung
6. When to speak up
7. When to bite your tongue
8. I'd rather risk looking like an idiot and advocate for my patient than let anyone (nurse, physician or parent) make a decision that is unsafe for my patient.
9. Time management - any patient who has been in recent trauma is the priority. Sometimes they aren't as stable as the ED thought they were...
10. Take advantage of the 30 min window to pass medications
11. Sometimes parents need our love and care more than the kiddos do
12. What it takes to be a good charge nurse
13. The difference between a good and bad shift report
14. What it's like to have patients who are "regulars"
15. How to care for victims of abuse and neglect
16. What it means to serve with the greatest care and love
17. To focus on the task at hand
18. Diaper changes & feedings are the most basic but sometimes the most important things a kid needs.
19. Some kids will bounce back in 2 days... other kids will never be the same.
20. Some parents never learn and other parents are serious experts.
21. Hospitals are dirty. Wash your hands and don't touch the floor.
22. Nightshift Nursing = waitress, housekeeper, nanny, social worker all in one
23. How to take a rectal temperature without waking up a baby
24. Sometimes working holidays isn't all that bad... Some kids are alone in the hospital on the 4th of July and OSF has a great view of the fireworks.
25. Pediatric nursing is where I'm meant to be.
#26. Pediatric Scrubs are the best! #27. Time slows down around 3:00 a.m. #28. Retractable name tag holders are a must #29. Stethoscopes can grow legs and walk away #30. Watching Disney is totally acceptable |