Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yesterday and Today

Hello All!

Life has slowed down momentarily. It feels fantastic. Is this what it's like to live real life? I had time to sleep for a full 8 hours, I had to find ways to fill my time between commitments and I haven't been stressed at all today!

I know you are all waiting anxiously to hear about my mundane every day life (sarcasm,sarcasm,sarcasm). I seriously wish I had more exciting things to write about... What's worse is that I sometimes actually think these things are blog-worthy. Even if they're not, it's all I've got so I'm going to tell you about it anyways.

For example, I received in the mail a packet to register to vote! How cool! I didn't even know they did that. Anyways, I filled it out and sent it off today. I will be registered to vote for the election this Fall. I missed the last election because I was still 6 months away from being 18 years old. I definitely feel like an adult right now.

I also learned how to edit out my address! Technology is awesome.

In the mail I also received this gift from a Catholic organization who was asking for money... Little do they know that I'm a broke college kid with next to nothing in my checking account.

I'll keep the free gift, though.
My favorite is the "I am a Catholic" identification card.

On my way home from clinical yesterday, I saw Animal Control driving around. I honestly have never seen an animal control vehicle in real life.

My favorite part: Vehicle Makes Sudden Stops
Good to know.

Today, however, was a tad bit more interesting. And by a tad, I mean I just won't tell you about my mail or who I saw driving. It's probably just as boring of information.

First Venti Iced Coffee of the season!

An article about henna in the Northern Star (NIU Newspaper).

Now that I read the article about henna, I really want to get it done. I learned a lot by reading today, though.
1. I never knew there were actual henna artists.
2. I never knew there was safe/unsafe henna.
3. I didn't know henna was originally used for brides.

I learned something new today! I hope you did too.

Much Love <3

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