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Today Ross and I mourn, along with many others, for a beautiful, innocent life that was peacefully taken into eternity with our Heavenly Father. While we are so at peace knowing Natalie is free of pain, our hearts ache for her family as they mourn the loss of such a young life.
Just yesterday, Ross and I attended a prayer gathering for Natalie. We laid hands upon her, kneeled at the cross and shed more than a few tears. How grateful we are for those few precious moments we shared with her and our LORD. We were honored and blessed to have known Natalie and we anxiously await the day when she will greet us at heaven's gates.
Today as the news of her passing sank into our hearts, we dreamt of what it will be like to see Natalie in heaven. Our guess is that she will be in charge of heaven's zoo, looking after all of the animals. She loved animals and she enjoyed pretending to be a baby tiger or puppy. Until that day when we meet Natalie again, Ross and I vow to be even more grateful for each day and to never let the memory of Natalie fade from our hearts.
To learn more about Natalie and her story, you can read her family's blog HERE.
In their post today, Natalie's parents referenced Psalm 16 verses 9-11. I too, find them to be fitting in this time. The book of Psalms has brought much comfort to the family during Natalie's illness.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
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