Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Beginnings

Hello Ladies and Gents!

As I begin this new blog, I am preparing to de-activate my Facebook account (Yes, this is an actual process for me rather than just a click of the button). I not only have to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for such a change, but I also have to warn my friends and family who may notice I suddenly go missing or are worried by Ross's relationship status change. Now, before anyone worries, let me explain myself...

  • NO. Ross and I did NOT break up. Contrary to what Facebook may want to say. Actually, our relationship has grown even deeper in the past few weeks. PTL (Praise the Lord!).
Ross and I at his 21st birthday dinner with friends.
  • You may wonder (as my mother did) why it's any better to de-activate one account to just begin a new account... please read further for explanation on this point. I promise I do have a point. My reasoning for deleting Facebook is multifaceted... 
    • Not only am I sucked into hours of mindless "creeping" but I am also creeped out by the number of people who could be "creeping" on me. 
    • Facebook has a Big Brother vibe going on... I'm not a huge fan of the ads that pop up on the side of my screen and how well they seem to have seen into my soul. 
    • And finally... I am ever so slightly expressing my rebellion against "The Man"... whoever he may be. Facebook has seem to taken over and I'd like to make a statement to the public (as well as myself) that Facebook is NOT, in fact, a vital part of society. 
  • Why I like a blog better...
    • The blog does not have a never-ending-news-feed-vortex-of-doom. Enough said.
    • This will be a space for me to share, express and write about my life with out being judged for over-sharing on Facebook. 
    • All of the blogs, websites and businesses I follow on Facebook will soon have their own link to the right side of this page. Now I will make the effort to check in on these sites when I have time rather than being sucked into the vortex.

I in no way believe my life to be interesting enough to merit the need for its own website. I do, however, wish to share the interesting tid-bits of my life with you if you so wish to stop by and take a peek every once in a while. If you would like to be notified of every new post on this blog, there is a space to follow via e-mail at the bottom of the page. 

What you can expect to see in this blog...
  • Pictures of important/exciting events 
  • Pictures of meaningless daily events
  • Vegetarian Recipes
  • Craft Projects (future ideas and completed crafts)
  • Coffee, Coffee, Coffee
  • Book Reviews
  • Complaints and compliments about nursing school
  • Pictures of cute puppies
  • Etc.
Get Excited People!!! 

Thanks for stopping by and please leave comments to let me know what you think, how you're doing and what you'd like to see in future posts.

<3 Lauren


  1. Two things:
    1) I am excited to hear about your nursing woes. Not because you are in pain, but as a person who has a sister going through nursing school, it's the crazy stories I find I enjoy and
    2) I have stolen your idea and I'm starting a blog as well. Not sure about facebook yet but we will see. :)

  2. Awesome blog baby girl! Signed up for e notifications today!
